Yes, of course! We recommend that you post jobs with a strong job description that highlights the corporate culture, the opportunity, and the team to catch the attention of our passive talent. The job will automatically get sent to the most qualified candidates in the market. You will be notified only when someone has been interested and matched in the job you post.

Currently, we are focusing on onboarding non-technical talent within Accounting, Financial Services, Real Estate, Corporate Services, Human Resources, Sales, Digital Marketing. We are soft-launching in the New York Metropolitan area with plans to expand into high-growth cities nationwide.

Yes! Cherrypicker will always be free for job seekers that have been referred or invited to the platform.

Access to our hiring marketplace is currently free during our early access period. Employers only pay to hire one of the candidates on our Hiring Marketplace.

Confidentiality will always be our #1 priority. We hide your contact information and any other identifying information from all hiring managers on the marketplace. Candidates are in full control of who they would like to share their information with.

Absolutely! However, your request to join will be placed on our waitlist queue. Our talent management team prioritizes candidates who have been referred or invited directly. This ensures the success of every user we onboard who completes our vetting process. You can sign up for priority onboarding directly on the mobile app or on our website.

We offer a 90 day guarantee period from the start date of the candidate. Employers must inform Cherrypicker within 30 days after candidate’s start date to avoid additional placement costs. Should the candidate leave on their own or is let go within the 90 day period, Cherrypicker will issue a credit to the platform.
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